DUKs is really great. The hotdogs are semimediocre but the fung shue is pretty darn GREAT. In other words they have a crane AND a juke box! They have outdoor seating, as you can see. That lttle table next to the garbage can is where we sat. If it wasn't such a darn beautiful day we definitely would have sat inside. It's like being in a diner, but getting chicago style hot dogs in a basket instead of a harmburger and fries on a plate. You can even sit at one of those bar type things where people sit at diners and talk to the short-haired-raspy-voiced-waitress on the other side. because they did have one of those.
alex got a lil jr. hamburger for 90 cents or something, and my hotdog came with those kinky kinda fries that are pretty tasty. I'd say just check it out, because it's on western and chances are you pass by it all the time.